One on One Rainbow Program
The ACCEF-sponsored One-on-One Rainbow Assistance Program (or Rainbow Program) aims to help students from poor areas in China finish their primary education by providing financial aids.
Program Details
1. Name:
One-on-One Rainbow Assistance Program (or Rainbow Program)
2. Goal:
Help students from poor areas in China finish their primary education.
3. Who is eligible for the assistance:
Students from elementary school to high school who meet the regional poverty thresholds.
4. Financial assistance guidelines:
The exchange rate for Chinese RMB to US dollar is adjusted and determined by ACCEF board members every year in May.
In the school year of 2020-2021 (1 US dollar = 7.0 RMB):
- Elementary school: 700 RMB ($100) per student per year
- Middle school: 1000 RMB ($145) per student per year
- High school: 2500 RMB ($360) per student per year
5. How to become a sponsor
Anyone who is willing to provide the financial aids can be a sponsor. We kindly ask our sponsors to provide continuous support till the students finish their high school education. The
sponsorship will be automatically terminated if the sponsored student drops out of school.
6. Distribution and follow-up of the financial aids
The work is carried out by ACCEF volunteers in China and the US.
In the US, one to two ACCEF volunteers at San Diego headquarter oversee and coordinate the program. Other volunteers will be assigned to individual area in China, and be responsible for communicating with sponsors, sponsored students, and volunteers in China.
In China, ACCER volunteers will work closely with the US headquarter, and be responsible for releasing the financial aids and visit the students on the routine basis throughout the whole assistance project.
7. Contact us:
8. Workflow:
- Each new assistance project starts with five potential students, and the number may be adjusted accordingly while the project continues.
- ACCEF requires that a potential sponsored student is visited by at least two ACCEF
volunteers, who will complete the survey form, provide pictures of the student and
his/her family, and explain in detail why the student needs financial assistance. - The information collected at the visit will be sent to San Diego headquarter for further consideration. An ID number will be given to the sponsored students once accepted.
- The sponsorship starts in the beginning of the fall semester very year, so ACCEF will collect the fund from sponsors in the summer before school starts. The donation
information will be archived once ACCEF receives the fund from sponsors. - The financial aid is released to the student in fall and spring, and a Financial Aid
Certificate for each release will be generated, which contains the signature and contact information of all the personnel who has dealt with the fund. The certificate must be stamped by official school seals to become effective, and mailed back to ACCEF headquarter to be archived. - At the end of each semester, ACCEF volunteers in China will visit the students and
complete the Student Report Form, which contains the transcript of that semester,
student’s letter, as well as teacher’s comments on performance and whether the student is still qualified for the financial assistance. The form will be mailed back to the US, and sent to the sponsor together with other required materials, in order to collect funding from the sponsor prior to the following semester. - Funding for the new school year will be collected in June every year. Sponsors should expect to receive two Financial Aid Certificates, two Student Report Forms, and letters from the students. The fund shall not be released if either of the certificates or of the Student Report Forms is missing.
- Upon receiving all the materials mentioned above, the sponsors can send the funding to ACCEF if he/she decides to continue the financial support.
Payable to: ACCEF
Mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 723008
San Diego, CA 92172-3008
- Please make check payable to ACCEF.
- Please put your student’s name and province of residency on the check.
- We recommend using checks to avoid fees for online payment methods.
- i. A receipt will be emailed to sponsors, as soon as we receive the fund.
- j. ACCEF workers will update and compile all the information including total amount financial aid donations, contact information of sponsors, students, and volunteers in China, and send it to our Rainbow Program coordinators, in order for them to promptly transfer the fund between the US and China.
- k. Please note your donation to the Rainbow Program is tax deductible.
9. Sponsor-student communications:
We encourage communications between sponsors and the sponsored students. Given permission from the sponsors, our workers in China will introduce the sponsors to the students, and help set up the connections, so that the students can talk to their sponsors about their school and everyday life.