YCC official announced “Meal For Health Heroes” fundraiser event.
“We need to come together as a community in order to prevail in the battle against the Coronavirus, so lets all help to provide Meals for our Health Heroes.”

Currently, YCC under the leadership of ACCEF is organizing a fundraiser called “Meals for Health Heroes”. We plan to collect donations from the community in order to buy foods from local struggling restaurants and then deliver this food to our hard-working healthcare providers. A win-win situation!
If you have to ability to pitch in and help the cause, simply donate here: https://youthcareclub-accef.weebly.com/meals-for-health-heroes.html
Or here: https://donorbox.org/meals-for-health-heroes
Or you can paypal us directly at: youthcareclub.accef@gmail.com
If you would like to help us in any other way, go ahead and forward this message to any of your friends and family.
YCC在ACCEF的领导下,正在组织一次筹款活动 – “为医疗英雄送午餐”。 我们希望用筹来的捐款,到本地的一些餐厅为医护人员订午餐,此举既可以帮助正在受疫情影响的本地的餐厅,同时可以为在抗疫一线的医护人员提供午饭,以解他们的后顾之忧。
您也可以直接 paypal 给我们: youthcareclub.accef@gmail.com