School Building

Help to build schools in remote poverty area to make children go to school easier.

Dear friends,

The mission of the ACCEF China Education Program is to provide education opportunities to thousands of poor children in the rural areas of China. It is hard to imagine that some children have to walk three hours each day to attend elementary schools. Many schools in these areas lack the basic necessitates that we take for granted. I know you will be moved as much as I was when you learn more about the desperate need of these children. The strong desire to learn and the struggling hope for a better life by the poor kids are the reasons why we work so hard to help. Our goal is to help them to escape poverty and become contributing members to the society.

You can help us to improve the lives of these children through education. For information on how to participate, please contact me at: <a href=””></a>

Thank you for your support!
<strong>Charles Huang, ACCEF President</strong>

The schools that have been built:

  • School No. 1 (美华文教一小, 广西省凌云县加尤镇杂福村): Located at Jia-you villege, Ling-yun County, Guangxi Province. Students have moved into new school in January 2006.
  • School No. 2(美华文教二小, 广西凌云县玉洪乡九?*村): Located at Jiu-Jiang villege, Yu-hou district, Ling-yun County, Guangxi province. Completed in October 2006.
  • School No. 3(美中科商第一小学,四川马边县苏坝乡峰溪村): Located at Feng-xi village, Su-ba District, Ma-bian County, Si-chuan province. Renamed to UCEA No. 1 Elementary School. Completed in October 2006.
  • School No. 4 (美华恒才第四小学,四川省凉山州喜德县光明镇则果村): Located in Ze-guo village, Xi-de County, Sichuan Province in China. New school was built in November 2006.
  • School No. 5(美华文教第五小学,广西凌云县泗城镇后龙村): Located at Long-Han village, Si-cheng Town,Ling-yun County, Guangxi Province. It was completed in October 2006.
  • School No 6(美华文教第六小学,广西凌云县逻楼镇山逻村): Located in Shan-luo village, Ling-yun County, Guangxi Province. The new school was completed in June 2006.
  • School No 7(美华仲言小学,四川省富顺县安溪镇么灏村): Located in An-xi, Fu-shun county, Si-chuan Province. The new school was completed in July 2007.
  • School No 8(美华雨台村小学,重庆市万州区岩口乡雨台村): Located in Yutai village, Wanzhou District, Chongqing City. The new school was completed in November 2007.
  • School No 9(弄伏爱心小学,广西凌云县沙里乡浪伏村): Located in Lang-fu village, Lingyun county, Guangxi Province. The new school was completed in September 2007.
  • School No 10(瑞旂小学,四川省平昌县泥龙乡瓦桥村): Located in Waqiao village, Pingchang county, Sichuang Province. The new school was completed in September 2008.
  • School No 11(美华六青小学,广西容县六王镇六青村): Located in Liu-qing village, Rong county, Guangxi Province. The new school we completed in September 2008.
  • School No 12(启璞小学,广西博白县凤山镇斗垌村): Located in Dou-tong village, Bobai county, Guangxi Province. The new school will be completed in November 2008.
  • School No 13(美华六西小学,广西兴业县龙安镇六西村): Located in Liu-xi village, Xingye county, Guangxi Province. The new school was completed in September 2008.
  • School No 14 (美华l松云小学): Located in HongFeng village, ChongQing county, Sichuan province. The new school is completed in September 2009.
  • School No 15 (四川省平武县大印镇中心小学): Located in DaYin , PingWu county, Sichuan Province. The new school is completed in January 2010.
  • School No 16 (平昌县泥龙石仓村小学):in Ni-long village, Ping-Chang county, Si-Chuan province.The new school is completed in January 2010.
  • School No 17(贵州省毕节市清水铺后山惠景小学 ) :in Jing Hui Primary School, Bijie City,  Guizhou province. The new school is completed in September 2011.